Home occupations shall be entirely contained within the interior of a residence or in garages or accessory structures on the site.Ģ. Automobile, vehicle or equipment repair occupations are not allowed in garages or accessory structures.ģ. Equipment or materials used in a home occupation may not be stored outside the residence.Ĥ. No visible evidence of the business shall be apparent from the street or the surrounding area.ĥ. Uses allowed as home occupations shall comply with the standards established in subsections D through K of this section.ġ. Home occupations are permitted as an accessory use to a residence within the R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, and N districts subject to the requirements of this section. The use is clearly incidental or subordinate to the residential use of a dwelling. This section applies to any home occupation, defined as an accessory use by the occupant(s) of a dwelling unit in which goods are produced or traded, or services are rendered, as an economic enterprise. Assure that public and private services such as streets, sewers, water and utility systems are not burdened by home occupations to the extent that usage significantly exceeds that normally associated with a residence.Establishes criteria for operating home occupations in dwelling units within residential districts.Provide residents of the City an option to use their residences as places to enhance or fulfill personal economic goals while protecting the residential rights of neighbors.Maintains neighborhood integrity and preserves the residential character of neighborhoods by encouraging compatible land uses.This section is included in your selections.