
Secret in their eyes
Secret in their eyes

Meaningful Name: In Benjamin Esposito's case, "Esposito" (or Exposito) is a blanket Spanish last name given to foster children and it means that either he is an orphan or his father didn't recognize him either way, it means that he was a ward of the state, which is why he's lower in the social strata than Irene.Male Frontal Nudity: Gomez shows his penis to Hastings to demonstrate his masculinity.Jerkass: The kindest coherent way of describing Gomez and Romano.The Jailer: Morales has locked Gomez up for twenty-five years as a punishment for murdering his wife.but he just has to bring it up every time. I Just Want to Be Loved: Irene could have gotten so much out of Benjamin love-wise if he just shut his mouth about the damn case.I Am Spartacus: Benjamin speculates that Pablo passed himself as Benjamin when the secret police came knocking doors and asking names, thus providing Benjamin with the opportunity to escape being chased.Heroic Sacrifice: Pablo, according Benjamin's speculation.Benjamin again, after seeing Pablo's dead body.Heroic BSoD: Benjamin, when he sees Liliana's battered body for the first time.Hate Sink: Romano doesn't do much to endear himself to the audience.In fact, no computers are seen in the movie. Good Old Ways: Esposito prefers to use a typewriter (and even manually) as opposed to a word processor.Foreshadowing: Sandoval points out that the perp has been incredibly elusive and somehow has always been aware that the feds are looking for him turns out that Gomez is a hitman for the Feds and the dictatorship, so he's in the loop.Morales manages himself to kidnap and lock Gomez up for twenty-five years, not even speaking to him and evidently making him Go Mad from the Isolation. Fate Worse than Death: Invoked by Morales.The second is the rapist showing off his penis, finally confessing. One is of a woman being raped, and is later seen dead, bloodied and bruised. Fan Disservice: There are two instances of nudity in the film.

secret in their eyes

  • The Determinator: Esposito is not likely to let the case go.
  • Cowboy Cop: Esposito is a deconstruction: his insubordination to the dictatorship forces him to flee the city as a marked man, leaving the love of his life behind.
  • Benjamin was a ward of the state, a fact that is used to belittle him and his pretensions towards his position and Irene in particular.
  • Pablo's alcoholism eventually gets the better of him, and a final drunk escapade is what finally brings him to Benjamin's apartment, where he found his death at the hands of the Secret Police.
  • Gomez thinks he is above the law when Irene and Benjamin are unable to prosecute him due to him being part of the Secret Police, but he's certainly not impervious to an irate mourning husband that kidnaps him and keeps him prisoner for the rest of his life.
  • Irene is constantly pining for Benjamin, but the guy never takes a step forward she scampers him out of Buenos Aires when his life is in danger, but he never once considers taking her with him, and he constantly brings up the case in spite of it basically destroying their sense of security, haunting them for the remainder of their lives up to that point.
  • secret in their eyes secret in their eyes

    Benjamin becomes a target of the dictatorship even when his plight has nothing to do with a political stance he is kept on a leash because of a number of things including being of low social stature due to being an orphan, being the subordinate of a woman, trying to prosecute a case where a member of the Secret Police is the perpetrator, being constantly berated by Pablo's wife in spite of not being responsible for his friend's alcoholism, and trying to break and enter the perp's mother's home.Can't Get Away with Nuthin': This is basically the film's tagline and it permeates every character's arc:.Pablo denies it, and then after a beat, responds, "And what if I had?" By "No", I Mean "Yes": After Benjamin and Pablo flee the house of Gomez's grandmother and are driving away, Benjamin asks Pablo if he took the letters they found.She's an Argentinian through and through, but she's very high in the social strata (specially compared to Benjamin). But Not Too Foreign: Irene is a Cornell graduate of Scottish descent.Unencumbered from the fear for his life, Benjamin is finally able to pursue a relationship with Irene. Benjamin has to scamper away to Jujuy under the threats of Gomez and remains a quarter of a century away from Buenos Aires thinking that Gomez is still at large, only to find out that Ricardo kidnapped and imprisoned him not shortly after Benjamin's flight.Irene taunts and emasculates Gomez in order for him to confess to Liliana's rape and murder.Blood Knight: He may not look the part, but Pablo makes it clear that bar brawls are a passion of his.

    Secret in their eyes