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I will first modify the drawcall minimizer a bit more, so that it can more aggressively reduce the object to only one texture. That would mean that most FS object would not be exported correctly anyway. The writer has to be delayed a little bit, because the X-Plane OBJ format only allows you to use one texture per object. But as you can see this is only the reader. Initially I planned to release a X-Plane OBJ reader and writer at the same time. So you might need to set it to true when reading X-Plane DDS files. When set to false FSX DDS files will read and show fine. So I have added an option to ModelConverterX to determine if the DDS files should be flipped or not. While testing with X-Plane OBJ files I also noticed that the DDS files that X-Plane uses are not vertically flipped like those in FSX (or should I say that they are vertically flipped while FSX is not). If you find some additional commands that are not supported or have other feedback please let me know. Most of the material/appearance attributesĪircraft specific elements, like cockpit regions are not supported at the moment, since these can not be exported by ModelConverterX to any other format.But the reader should support the following features: Add ATC control with X-Life 'Deluxe' version. No Linux version now, sorry.) Can be used with many type of X-Plane 10 aircraft with the nosewheel.


I don’t have an extensive collection of test objects in the X-Plane format yet, so it might be not all commands are properly supported yet. Tug Master by JARDesign Crew is Windows/Mac addon for X-Plane 10 flight simulator (Windows plugin for 32/64 bit X-Plane 10 or MAC OS plugin for 64 bit X-Plane 10. Use whatever configuration you want and copy and paste into your FFA320 folder, no need to edit values in plane maker. More than 10,000 simulated objects like computers, sensors, units, data buses, busbars, relays, etc. The FS2Crew Airbus Tools include FS2Crew’s Button Control, Voice Control and Global FO Voice Set for the Aerosoft Airbus series.

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Specific engine model with realistic performance and dynamics. After Java has been installed, the X-Updater client can also be used X-Plane 11.LEONARDO MADDOG X MSFS FS2CREW.EUR 34.99 £ ¥ RAAS PROFESSIONAL MSFS FS2CREW.EUR 39.95. Precise aerodynamic model with unique features like transonic effects, hi speed stall etc. place unzipped files in you Matavia Configuator 4.5 folder 3. Flight developed by professional to mimic the real aircraft. From tomorrow this new reader will be available in the development release. Hi All, I created these files to save some time having to go into plane maker. I have added a new object reader to ModelConverterX, this time for the X-Plane OBJ format.

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